
February 2025

02 February. It’s nearing 7.30pm UK time. I’ve had to do some things on the campaign site this morning, but the rest of the day from what say 9am has been me inputting new lyrics. It’s three notepads and they’re dated from 4 December last year to 4 January this year. There were 182 lyrics to assess and I’ve now got folder B4 down to 110 lyrics, obviously a lot are just one line efforts, but I’ve often assessed that one or two line lyric is worth developing. I’m back to the day-job on Tuesday, I really want to look at the technical stuff behind the wind-screen and work out how to do it smoothly, I’ll get there in the end, I always so far have done. I’m getting back into the guitar, it brings back too many memories and unfortunately most are unfortunate memories. My eyes are starting to hurt sitting at this pc all day, going to chill out with a whisky, never thought of that! 03 February. It’s left noon and once again I’ve had to work on the campaign site sorting out a Link To Posts page for December, shall do January when I get the time. I’m now wanting to look at the 110 lyrics that are in the B4 folder and assess them for movement to C4 and they’ll then be foldered into my project names and I’ll then upload to this place, that’s perhaps a week of work away, perhaps even longer, obviously the personal project will remain personal. Okay I had better get on with the task. Once I’ve got the contents of C4, I’ll print them all out so I can properly assess them. It’s left half ten and I’m sorely tired, my eyes are blinkerd cause you stare at the computer all day. Anyway, job done and I have 2 in the Campaign folder, 14 in the Descriptive folder, 21 in the Love project and 4 in the Flatsound project. It means nothing to this place but my work on 30 in my personal project needs sorted. I’m sure I can evolve/amend certain files to be more of a Love Project, we shall see in due course. 05 February. It’s after 3pm and I’m not long home from a sleepover. I’ve did a campaign post but that’s it. I didn’t get much sleep last night, I noticed a medication error and spent most of my sleep time tossing and turning and trying to work out a solution which I knew wasn’t there. I remember in my game years ago you always watched each others back, we all make mistakes. Anyway, I had a print out of all the lyrics that have to be amended, assess or dumped from the C4 folder, I had intended working or at least starting to work on them. I didn’t even contemplate starting, my head was busy with trying to sort out that error. Anyway, there’s no hurry, it’s not a priority. I’m going to order a guitar case in a wee while and take my guitar to a guitar shop and get the thing re-strung, I need to get into it big time. I’m off from the day job till a week on Saturday, a lot of days but I’ve got a lot to cram into that time.             06 February. Well I’ve done the dirty deed and put my guitar into the music shop. He’ll re-string it and give it a good revamp. I’ll be toughening up my fingers tonight or tomorrow, he’ll phone me when it’s ready. I’m in my local having 2 or 3, it’s just 5 minutes from the music shop. Progress. 09 February. I’ve had a busy couple of days. Yesterday I was with my son in the morning and seeing wee Violet, my grand-daughter, I’m so really proud of her parents you have no idea, they couldn’t take care of their daughter better and she’s a wee cracker, obviously takes after me lol. In the afternoon I met up with my daughter. Actually my son had asked me what I was doing with the rest of the day and I referred to my guitar and slaving at that, totally forgot when he asked, it’s an age thing. Anyway, I met up with my daughter in the afternoon and it was brilliant, I hate not naming her or my own here, but I feel it’s best for them and for me and I trust you understand. And so I’m not a great chatter as my dot knows, we covered the gossip, her Mum was mentioned and I made some nasty jokes but then we laughed because it’s years ago and I try to get on with people. I asked my dot for a favour regards a friend yesterday, she said not a problem and she would contact her; I’m curious why I’m often staring at my phone to find out if there’s been a phone call and the second, the result; but at the end of the day, it’s none of my business. I’ll come back to that on another day, my lyrics too often reflect it’s none of my business when it is. And we move on, I left this morning, got a lift to Muirfield, seen my partner’s grand-daughter for the first time, I think she’s what six months. The Mum and Dad off to Murrayfied to watch the Scotland game which we shouldn’t comment on! It was great seeing and chatting with wee George, he’s now eleven and I remember him as a baby, okay I’m no spring chicken. I’ve been home for hours and my left fingers are seriously killing me, the guitar has a lot to answer for! 25 February. I have finally placed the folder C4 onto this place, it’s the results of my work during the period of 4 December and 4 January. I’m still lyric-writing and I’m on my third notebook, no idea how many lyric ideas. Last Thursday I woke up with severe pain in my lower back to the left, the stabbing pains when I moved were breath-taking, I lay in bed for ages before struggling up by noon. Difficult to walk, agony to sit down and nearly mission impossible to get back up. Phoned the clinic and they said they had no GPs in the afternoon, I was looking for a home-visit for the first time in my life. Gave in a couple of hours later and phoned NHS 24 and they advised they wouldn’t have any GPs till after 6pm when the clinics closed! Struggled through the rest of that day. The following day, Friday, I phoned the clinic first thing and asked for a home-visit, it would either be a GP or a senior paramedic. Some hours later the senior paramedic arrived. I was happy with the examination and it’s either a chipped rib, a bruised rib or it’s a muscular issue, he said there was no need for an x-ray as it would say more like the above; I consider it more a cost saving exercise. Due to it being a paramedic he had to see the GP to get a script, anyway by 6pm I got painkillers, I’d been using my own up to that point. I’m two floors up and I haven’t left the house since Wednesday, that’s me on my sixth day locked in this place! Even when I broke my collar-bone last year I got down to the shops downstairs after three or four days. I’ve always argued that there’s good to be gained from the bad, sometimes yes you need to look really hard. The good I take from this is I’ve been lyric-writing, I’ve been practicing my guitar a lot, and I’ve been doing a bit of reading. There is progress, but I don’t see me getting out the house for at least another couple of days. Oh well, such is life.