02 March. It’s been a crazy bit of time over the past few weeks. The first was I wasn’t getting anywhere with the writing of lyric, I had a total block, did some minor lines, but nothing to talk about. The second was the demands of the campaign site, I spent time sorting it or updating it, seen someone today in Edinburgh about improving things, not sure how that’ll work out, but time consuming. Third I spent a lot of time using the app Zoho that I pay a good few bob per month, and I’ve been sorting out a tweet or X every fifteen minutes with regards the various categories that I stand up for. In Scotland I risk being locked up, so be it. I did my lower back in last Thursday, woke up and the sharp pains I got when I moved you would not believe, it took me two hours to get out the bed, crazy. No doctor available that day, got a paramedic out via the clinic and that was the following day. He was great in the examination but a bit vague on the issue. To cut a long story short I ended up being able to leave the house still in sharp pain walking but made it to the clinic yesterday and he sent me to the hospital for an x-ray. Did all that, feeling a lot better but want answers that I still await. The doc was going to write me out a 4 week sick note, I wasn’t there for that, I wanted answers. In asking do I need that he ended up writing me out a line to cover my sleepover Tuesday and Wednesday, not happy at that because I’m improving all the time, but so be it. Not had a chance to get to a barber, I’m really scaring the kids now! Been relearning the guitar, last time I picked it up was what forty years ago, I’ll play something at some point! I miss where my day job is, or am I saying that because it sounds good? Not sure. I do miss certain people there but there we go. 06 March. I had to phone in sick for my Tuesday (4th) to Wednesday sleepover, the doc said he wanted me to rest for the week, I thought a load of crap, he actually was trying to throw me a 4 week sick note, no chance. But it turned out he was right regards missing that sleepover, still a lot of shooting pains. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I’ve still got shooting pains but they aren’t flooring me and I can deal with them. I just need to get a lot better before my sleepover on Monday 10th which I am not missing, but I don’t want anybody noting the pain which sometimes stops me, we’ll see. I know it might sound boring but over the past few days I’ve keyed in the latest three notepads of lyrics. The first had 52, the second 47 and the third had 48. The first was from 4th January to 18th January, the second from 19th January to 4th February and the third from 5th February to 27th February. I’ve assessed the what I call A5 folder containing all the original ideas and B5 contains 89, and I have now assessed they lyrics and I have 50 items in the C5 folder. I’ve printed each of them out and I need to assess every one and catalogue them into the five folders although I will say again, only four will be posted here, my private folder is my inspiration folder which reflects into each and every other folder but ain’t for publishing.