There wasn’t much talking it was more the glancing
Why when I look at her my heart is dancing
It’s nothing new it’s been going on for ages
There has to be movement on all of the stages.
Why am I back to that lady again why don’t I not let go
Why is the story always the same I need to find out what I know
What I’m really sore about is not knowing what to do
I’m mixed up and screwed up cause I’m yet again thinking of you.
And so where is my thinking it’s never far from this lady
I do my work see out the day but there is no if or maybe
She’s cuddling my heart and she don’t even know it
She’s cuddling my heart and I ain’t gonna blow it.
There’s many a song been written on things that’s hard to say
It might be love it could be pain but it don’t matter anyway
The song is from the heart and those loved should not ignore
It’s one of those deep searches that the love has to explore.